Brown v. Board of Education (I)

Five cases are broadly considered part of the Brown v. Board of Education (I) decision. The initial arguments in those five cases occurred on December 9-11, 1952, followed by rearguments on December 7-9, 1953. The decision, also known as “Brown I”, was issued on May 17,1954. The arguments in those five cases are listed below.

A second round of arguments, focusing on the question of relief, occurred on April 11-14, 1955, and a second “Brown II” decision was issued on May 31, 1955. See Brown v. Board of Education (II) for a list of those arguments.

1952 Oral Arguments

We have listed the arguments in 7 “parts”, based solely on the manner and order in which they were transcribed.

1953 Oral Rearguments

Note that the cases were reargued in a slightly different order, and the Briggs and Davis cases were reargued together.

1954 Decisions

Although Bolling v. Sharpe is generally thought of as one of the Brown v. Board of Education cases, it was decided separately, on different grounds, but with the same result.