Cases Argued by Paul D. Clement
Paul D. Clement argued 92 times in the U.S. Supreme Court since October 1955, according to Oyez.
Unfortunately, as we’ve seen with other top advocates, such as Edwin S. Kneedler and Michael R. Dreeben, the exact count is hard to verify, and the Supreme Court doesn’t release any own of its records to help confirm the total.
In Mr. Clement’s case, it was reported on October 16, 2014 that his 75th argument was Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk. However, if true, then we’re apparently missing one of his arguments, because we list that argument as Appearance No. 74.
The missing argument presumably occurred sometime between October 2009 and October 2014, because all indications are that his 50th argument was Perdue v. Kenny A..